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I’m Charlene.

I enjoy making art and being creative.

I was diagnosed with cancer as a young adult.

Being diagnosed as a young adult with cancer is different and comes with so many challenges that are unique to us. Dealing with all of this is hard enough, but for me another layer is added to the storm as a person of colour. In an ideal world, it wouldn’t matter the colour of your skin, everyone would be treated the same.

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partners Anita Cheung partners Anita Cheung


I’m Lise. (1981 - 2024)

I love running and spending time with friends and family.

I was diagnosed with HER2+ Breast Cancer as a young adult.

I want more research and funding to be allocated to young adult cancer so that diagnoses can be temporary rather than terminal.

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partners Anita Cheung partners Anita Cheung


I’m Lily.

I enjoy riding my bike and swimming in the ocean.

I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the age of 28.

One of the biggest challenges has been learning to live with uncertainty while allowing myself to feel deep joy and hope for the future.

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