There is an urgent need to reshape young adult cancer care for all young adults.
“I was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer at the age of 34. My eldest son was 2 and my daughter was 6 months old. I worried “who will watch the kids while I am in treatments?” and “what will happen to my family if I am no longer around?” I constantly heard “these aren’t symptoms we normally see” and “we’ve never seen THIS before.
More needs to be done to understand and address cancer for young adults.”
Anew is a research collaborative dedicated to reshaping young adult cancer care, together.
This means we work in partnership with young adults with lived experiences with cancer; those who offer treatment, support and care; and those who make health system decisions, to co-generate knowledge, relationships, and strategies to improve cancer care for all young adults.
We take this approach because cancer is different for young adults compared to children and older adults – the cancer care challenges, needs, and priorities of young adults are unique. A focused approach to young adult cancer care research, policy, and practice is critical.
We also know that young adults have a clear understanding of how their cancer care can be improved and want to play an active role in doing so. We strive to build from this momentum and collaborate with young adults as experts of their own cancer care experiences and agents in change.
This means we draw on the principles of Participatory Action Research, Patient-Oriented Research, and Creative Action Research and use a range of creative methods to support engagement, build capacity, share knowledge, and inspire tangible changes to young adult cancer care.
Lastly, we know that young adult cancer care, research, and practices are not always equitable and representative. Through our work, we are committed to engaging young adults with diverse backgrounds, identities, and experiences with cancer care to better understand and amplify their priorities and support change.
Perspectives from a Young Adult
Perspectives from a Young Adult
At Anew, we are committed to research that:
Values young adults as experts of their own cancer experiences and as agents of change
Engages young adults and cancer care allies in creative, participatory, and meaningful ways
Amplifies diverse perspectives and critically reflects on how to be more equitable
Shares knowledge, opportunities, and insights to inspire tangible changes in young adult cancer care for all young adults
These threads are woven throughout our work.
The following describes our current areas of focus - all are interconnected and integral to the success of each other. For more information about how each of these projects are contributing to change, check out our Learnings page.