our work Anita Cheung our work Anita Cheung

Transforming Cancer Care for Racialized Young Adults

This project, funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research Pediatric Cancer Research Initiative, seeks to work in collaboration with racialized young adults and cancer care allies to: 1) better understand the lived experiences, needs and priorities of racialized young adults, and 2) inform and improve cancer care for racialized young adults and help to reduce systemic barriers.

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our work Anita Cheung our work Anita Cheung

Improving Fertility Policy & Practice in BC/Yukon

Working in collaboration with young adults with lived experience of cancer and those who care for them (often referred to by us as cancer care allies – clinicians, care providers, families, researchers, and community organizations) we are working to reshape young adult cancer care in BC, and beyond.

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our work Anita Cheung our work Anita Cheung

Re-imagining Young Adult Cancer Care Through Applied Theatre & Immersive Performance

Weaving together three distinct yet complementary methodologies: Patient Activated Research, Participatory Action Research, and Performance As Research, we are working with young adults as co- researchers to produce a traveling, immersive, theatre experience to share with young adults and cancer care allies about the unique realities of young adult cancer care and support.

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